SPORSORA and an international coalition of organisations joined forces in a project named BIG4SPORTS.

The two and half-year project was launched on January 22, from the Museum of Sport of Barcelona, with the aim of connecting public and private funding sources with sport organisations through the development of innovative programmes for good governance in sport.

Co-funded by the European Commission within the framework of ERASMUS+ and coordinated by the European Platform for Sports Innovation (EPSI), BIG4SPORTS will identify and develop best practices to enhance good governance within sport organisations, particularly clubs and grassroots sports, also in view of increasing public and private entities’ support and funding.

The BIG4SPORTS project is built on the vision to combine capacity and knowledge across multiple sectors, including public authorities, the sport industry and sport organisations, in the field of good governance in order to assure the highest standards in the management of sport and therefore increase public and private sector’s trust towards sport stakeholders.

BIG4SPORTS will build on existing international frameworks related to good governance in sport, making reference, in particular, to relevant policies developed by the IOC, the Council of Europe, the European Union and the Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA).

The involvement in the project of several sport clubs will ensure the implementation of the good governance mechanisms developed by BIG4SPORTS in real situations, in view of a possible adoption on a larger scale.

Magali Tezenas du Montcel, SPORSORA Executive Director:

SPORSORA is both honoured and enthusiastic to represent France in the BIG4SPORTS initiative. Our core business connecting brands and sport right holders, as well as our international ambitions, perfectly align with the project objectives: encourage more trust in sport organisations, appealing to more investments from private and public sources. SPORSORA is delighted to collaborate with such inspiring European friends.

Alberto Bichi, EPSI Executive Director:

By strengthening this collaboration, the project aims at establishing the best and most relevant standards in terms of corporate and public governance and develop a comprehensive methodology to reinforce sporting organisations’ good governance capacities.

The consortium which will lead the implementation of BIG4SPORTS is composed by the following organisations:

1.       LP EPSI – the European Platorm for Sport Innovationhttp://epsi.eu/
2.       TSV Bayer04 Leversukenhttps://www.tsvbayer04.de/
3.       Olympiacos (SFP)https://www.olympiacossfp.gr/
4.       Aalborg Boldspilklub (AaB)http://www.aabaf1885.dk/
5.       ICSS Insight – The International Centre for Sport Securityhttp://www.theicss.org/en/home/
6.       WIENER SPORT-CLUB (WSC)http://wsc.at/wp/
7.       HAŠK MLADOST – Hrvatski Akademski Športski Klubovi Mladosthttp://www.hask-mladost.hr/
8.       CATALAN SPORT COUNCILhttp://esport.gencat.cat/ca/inici/
9.       SPORSORAhttps://www.sporsora.com/